Dragon Skin: An American Football Team in China (TRAILER)

That White Stripes song from the first Justice League trailer gets me so juiced up I decided to throw it in my own trailer. Unlike Justice League though, I’m hoping Dragon Skin won’t suck.  As of now we are looking at 8 episodes each ranging in length from 8-18 minutes that we’ll start dropping every Thursday after the Super bowl. Think of this series as a way to extend the football season another two months. When the NFL season ends….mine begins.

Now everyone knows a great trailer is one that piques your interest but doesn’t spoil the plot and I think this one does just that. All you can really gather from it is that I joined a football team in China. But for everyone who doesn’t follow me on social media and can’t wait a couple months to find out how my season ended, please scrolls down.



Can’t believe I brought the city a title before my boy Jimmer! Come on Mormon Megalodon, It’s your turn now. Lets turn this bitch into #TitleTownEast. Lord knows the rafters in the Shark Tank are looking pretty bare these days. (What even is that banner with the microphone on it??? A broadcasting award? GTFOH)

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