Barstool Invaded Rockstar Games HQ And Streamed The Hell Out Of GTA V

“I just want to find the pier and smoke some cigs” – Donnie

Full broadcast below:

Watch Barstool Gametime LIVE at Rockstar HQ from barstoolsports on

Rockstar. Ever heard of them? Well, they’re only one of the biggest and baddest MEDIA developers in the game today. Yes, media. Not just game. Because when a single product such as GTA V eclipses $2 BILLION in sales, you’re much more than a video game entity. You’re a fucking first class media conglomerate.

It’s no secret we’ve been playing a lot of GTA V in the office recently (manhunting us for a bounty/free cash wasn’t exactly the smartest move for the wallet and/or life). So, naturally, Rockstar invited Barstool Gametime onto their rocket ship to stream out some different games within Grand Theft Auto V from their HQ in NYC.

The best part? This marriage is consummated and Stoolies are going to be invited to join in the streaming orgy. First up we had normal Barstool jabroni’s such as myself, Clem, Devlin, Donnie Does, Coley, and a few others around the office play at Rockstar HQ. Next, we’re going to have If you’d like to join our Barstool GTA V Syndicate, all you gotta do is follow AND subscribe to @BarstoolSports on Twitch. Or you can always link up anytime with BarstoolOffice and/or SmittyBarstool on PS4 for any and all challenges. We can dance together or to the death. Doesn’t matter to us.

See you next time at Rockstar HQ. Again, if you wanna get inside the walls there’s apparently an unlimited space under my coat.

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