Fake Federer (AKA ME) Got To Ask Real Federer A Question At His Rolex Masters Press Conference #ShadesOffForRog

The Rolex Masters! What an event! Never been a big tennis guy but nothing like seeing the world’s #1(Nadal) and #2(Federer) go head to head to get me itching to pick up a racquet. Nadal still leads Federer 23-15 in terms of their overall head to head record but Federer has won the last four in a row. Tennis experts, as well as Federer himself, tell me this is because Nadal is better on clay courts.  Throw my boy ROG on a hard or grass court tho and you better get used to seeing this fist pump

Now the Rolex Masters may not have appreciated my journalism tactics but that’s to be expected. Tennis is a very traditional sport and with that comes very traditional press. They aren’t quite ready for “new media” Journos such as myself. Still, I have nothing but positive things to say about the event and it’s organizers. Also, I felt Federer fielded my question like a gentleman. Pure class. I’ve already looped the clip of him calling me “Incredibly handsome” and plan on blasting it before dates or any other time I need a ego-boost.

P.S. Real Federer went for a walk around Shanghai while he was in town and even rode the subway. Check out how much less hysteria there was for Real Federer as opposed to Fake Federer. Guess I just have that “it” factor.

Real Federer:

Fake Federer:

P.P.S. When a friend helps you get a media pass to an event he’s working at, you walk a thin line between trying to make entertaining content and trying to avoid putting him in an awkward position with his higher ups. Didn’t quite manage to find that balance this time around.

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