Snackin’ Off — Waffles & Syrup Oreos

Not gonna lie, it felt good to finally get a victory here. We’ve had some absolute dogs on Snackin’ Off lately (not literal dogs that Chaps wants to eat, but metaphorical dogs). But there was palpable excitement at Barstool HQ when the Waffles & Syrup Oreos arrived. I haven’t seen that many excited faces since Grudge Dave was bringing bazookas into the Barstool Radio booth. And the Oreos obviously delivered. Big time. I’ve long been anti-Golden Oreo because I hate change and am I ride or die chick guy. But having only chocolate cookies really limits the flavors you can do. And as everyone knows, Oreo isn’t shy about popping out random flavors. So a big thumbs up for Waffles & Syrup, even though I called them Chicken & Waffles about 100 times during the rough cut of this video. Hopefully we keep this winning streak going next week.

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