Beer League Heroes - Because It's The Kup

6 months ago I embarked on a journey to become the greatest Beer League Hockey player the world has ever seen. Since that time, there have been ups and there have been downs. A lot can change over the course of 6 months. Anything can happen. And here I stand–6 months later–as a World. Fucking. Champion. The boys of Stanley Kup Hockey Klub defied the odds and won the prestigious Ice Works Fall/Winter Men’s League Championship. It was an honor and a privilege to hold that $50 trophy in my hands knowing all the Beer League Legends who have held it before me. Truly a dream come true.

Some closing remarks:

1) Shoutout to Warrior for gearing me up all season long. They say you’re not a true Beer League Hero until you have your Twitter handle on your twig. Well I guess I showed them. The Alpha series is A1.

2) Shoutout to camera man Kevin Crowe for hooking it up with the video and edits all season. I don’t have the luxury of having a multimedia office in Manhattan at my disposal so he came out and freelanced his balls off. If you are a Hollywood executive, slide into my DMs and I’ll give you his info.

3) World. Fucking. Champs.

Sidenote: Listen. I know that the Beer League Heroes video series isn’t perfect. So if you’re somebody who has watched most of them and want to pitch in some ideas on how to make it better, let them fly. I’m always open to constructive criticism. And thanks for watching.


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