Beer League Heroes Episode 2 - Gameday

Every year over 200 kids are drafted to the NHL. On any given day, there are hundreds of players on an active NHL roster. There are hundreds of players in the AHL. Thousands and thousands playing juniors. I’m not one of them.

But I am a Beer League Hero and I’m proud of that. So follow along my journey this season as I strive for Men’s League Greatness. We had our first game of the season last week. As you could see, it didn’t quite go according to plan. I blame it on the fact that I showed up to the rink a little later than normal and didn’t get a good warm up in. Either way, a 6-0 loss is just a minor setback for a major comeback.


Few sidenotes:

– Even though we got our dicks kicked in out there, at least I looked good while doing it. That’s all thanks to the guys over at Warrior. We’re all very aware that I suck, but I suck significantly less while using the Covert QRL Pro gloves and stick.

– If you work in Hollywood and want to give my film/edit guy a job, you can find him here and on Twitter @towelie_007. Just let me keep him for the rest of this season.

– Here’s episode 1 in cast you missed it.

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