Portnoy Taking His Shirt Off In The Middle Of Peter Chernin's Speech Yesterday Was An Outrageous Move

Yesterday, the BSDATCF Peter Chernin came through Barstool HQ to talk to the whole crew. Dropping more knowledge on all of our heads than anybody ever has. One of the most successful men basically on the planet came by and did a Q&A and answered all of our questions about how Barstool is doing and what we need to do to get to the next level.

And so there we are, the whole team huddled around the bar, and I look across the way, and I see Davey Pageviews pop his top off. Mid speech. Right in Peter Chernin’s eyeball. Pres realizes his shirt is inside out, and rather than just ignoring it or maybe excusing himself to make the flip, just goes Tits Out For The Boys mid meeting. I dont think Petey C saw him do it. I dont think he’d really care much either. But nonetheless its a preposterous move to flip your shirt right-side in directly in the middle of a Peter Chernin Production. I guess thats what makes him the Little Swinging Dick At The Cracker Factory.

PS – How long can it possibly take to realize you have a collared shirt on inside out? How long was Portnoy’s shirt like that???

PPS – The way Portnoy casually leans on the recliner after making the switch being like “Nope. Nobody saw me.” is priceless.

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