Tank Cooks Chimichangas

Recipe sent by Josh Ponzio 

Send recipe ideas to NJTank99@gmail.com 


  • Ground beef 
  • Tortillas 
  • Taco Seasoning 
  • Cheese 
  • Rotell 
  • Salt 
  • Pepper 
  • Accent 
  • Paprika
  • Lemon Pepper
  •  Non-Stick Cooking Spray


  1. Cook ground beef in a pan. Add salt, pepper, accent, sugar, paprika and lemon pepper. 
  2. Following directions on taco seasoning packet, add seasoning and cook until fully coated. 
  3. Add Rotel and Cheese to the taco meat. 
  4. Warm up your tortillas in the microwave for 30 seconds. 
  5. Place half of the filling mixture into the middle of the tortilla. Wrap the tortilla nice and tight, just like a burrito.
  6. Spray the air fryer basket with non-stick spray and place the chimichangas inside. Spray the tops with non-stick spray and cook them at 350°F for 8 minutes. Flip, spray again, and cook for another 4 minutes on the other side.
  7.  Plate the meal with toppings and condiments of choice.

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