Matt Matthew Recounts An Airbnb Horror Story That ​Will ​Make You Reconsider Every Aspect Of How You Travel

Every once in a while I hear a story that validates a particular concern or opinion that I hold. This is one of those stories. And before we get to the clip, you should know that I have LONG been anti-Airbnb. It's not that I've had a bad experience, I just prefer not to vacation in someone else's filth. Call me crazy, but I enjoy turndown service and a complimentary mini bar over spy cameras and the the risk of murder. Here's the story...

Nightmare. City. I mean imagine opening the GARAGE to your Airbnb only to find some random dude set up on a cot? A dude who has had access to your living quarters for God knows how long. Walking around the house at night, sniffing people's undies, watching them sleep. No thank you. I'll take a hotel over an Airbnb ten times out of ten.

Anyway, the whole episode was great. We also talked about his upbringing/family which turned out to be much crazier than any of us anticipated...

God bless em. You can watch/listen to the episode in its entirety HERE. Have a lovely Monday!






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