I Embarrassed Myself in Front of 40,000 People


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I took a trip to Cincinnati for a Bearcats game and a Bengals tailgate, and the people of Cincy may never let me back after the results. The Bearcats were 14 point favorites and lost in overtime and the Bengals had another tough performance at home against the Ravens. The bad news for Cincinnati is I'm back in town this weekend for the home game against Oklahoma and Monday Night Football vs the Rams. 

Some people are calling me a curse, but if we're being completely honest and transparent with each other here, Cincinnati hasn't exactly been a championship city before ole Beersy came into town. I will fully take responsibility for the Bearcats losing Saturday after my horrendous field goal attempt, but I'm a diehard Patriots fan so I don't feel too bad when the Bengals lose. 

Anyways, please check out the video, it was one of my favorite videos to edit in a very long time. I love the people of Cincinnati and they love to be embraced at a national scale. Don't be afraid to leave a comment or press like on the Youtube channel. 

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