No More Arguments: The Best Pizza In Wrgielyville Is At HVAC

Welcome back to Da Bars brought to you by delicious great tasting less filling Miller Lite. 

If we're being dead honest, I'm going to bulldoze so many responsible Lites this Labor Day weekend. And you can too by going to wherever they sell MIller Lite and buying some for yourself. 

Today's episode is in line with the Cubs playoff surge. You're gonna be hanging on Clark in September. You're going to be hungry and there's a lot of bodies to feed. HVAC pizza is so underrated I don't even know where to start. These are the perfect circumstances for their oversized pie. 

Go see for yourself before you start acting like a huge fuckin pussy btw. 

Great music. Great atmosphere. Always a performer on stage after a game - and sneaky the best post-concert bar in Wrigley. I said The Best. 

One time we had a large group at Dead & Co a few years back and a buddy of mine swears the cover band after was "just as good" which is just plain old funny. Tell that shit to Jeff Chimenti. 

Point is they got great music. Great pizza and service. Location is literally across the street from Wrigley marquee sign and there's a good chance you won't take this advice. But if you do, you'll thank me later and that's the reason you do this job. 

Next Episode: 

I'm going to Arlington Heights. There's a bunch of Milfs up there and a nice downtown area. Figure it's never a bad time to scout the future. 

Normally this is the time I put a bunch of links in and ask you guys to subscribe politely. Not this time.

Have a decent Labor Day.

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