The Big Deal Selects vs. The Noseface Killah, Buffalo Chiclets Cup Part I

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 Watch the Big Deal Selects Chiclets Cup Journey Part I!

If you live on the moon or do not party at all then this is a newsflash… the Chiclets Cup by Spittin’ Chiclets is a monster. The Buffalo edition at Riverworks was the biggest tournament yet with a new beer announcement, bubble hockey, the most teams ever registered, and a female division just to highlight a few. But the biggest story going in was whether Biz put together a roster that was good enough to lift the hardware or would his arch nemesis 3-peat.

Quick flashback to how we got here… the first Chiclets Cup was in my newly adopted hometown of Detroit and before the tournament started, a short fella with a very distinct nose approached the boys and flat out said “I will win this tournament and you can do nothing about it!” This was a serious statement that had Biz hot under the collar.  But like a prophet, his team won.  This manifested into GM Biz putting together the Big Deal Selects to make sure this would not happen again. Then came Las Vegas and wouldn’t you know it the Nose-face Killah (Korey Wilson) lifted the trophy again and now this fun adversary has become public enemy number 1.

Murls' Breakdown:  The video starts out with a pure view of the animosity and borderline hatred the boys have towards the nose face, but he is totally unafraid and is even calling his shot for another win.  The roster was revamped with some key additions and some minor losses to the lineup… Me. The fact that Nose-Face ditched his old team for what he figured was an upgrade is eerily similar to how Lebron James does business. No friends, just the business of chasing rings, but would it backfire? 

Terry Ryan is an absolute legend and a warrior.  He called in his chips and brought in some heavy hitters for this tourney.  But with Nose-Face pulling the ghost move because of the small life event of having a child shows he might be resting on his laurels. Game 1 went as planned with the boys putting on a show with a 14-7 win over a tough opponent. The team relied on transition goals and a high-tempo attack.  Clearly, the upgrade in the net with Mosher was a huge move for the team and everyone who was watching knew it.  After game 1, the boys looked a little gassed and were probably sweating out a few of the new Big Deal Brewing beers from Labatt but a win is a win!  

The fact that the boys are firing shots at 110 mph is so ridiculous, who would want to be in the net for that?  The veteran move of bringing the bench out so the boys could rest the legs in between shifts could be the small factor that push the team over the top. I am a huge proponent of working smarter not harder. Game 2 was the Conman highlight show… he has hands for days and a shot that could hit a squirrel in the eye from 100 yards. In this physical and entertaining contest, the team secures the win with a 13-4 scoreline.  The team sits at 2-0 and the sun is shining and all is good in the locker room but the biggest storyline … HE IS COMING! 

Senior Ryan with all his wisdom knows that no team can be overlooked so he got the team focused for game 3 but it was not enough. The Big Deal Selects drop game 3 in heartbreaking fashion 7-6. I felt that the refs let the visitors from Hamilton get away with a few but no excuses.  This should have been a W, but 2-1 heading to the Pink Whitney Party is a good place to be.

Will Nose Face come or will he name his kid after Biz?  This guy is about as decisive as I am in the cereal aisle at Wegman's Supermarket.  

Stay Tuned for Episode 2 and the Murls' Breakdown!!!!

Twitter: mattmurley19

Instagram: murls_ebr

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