Eric Hosmer Would Have To Be A Certified MORON To Veto The Juan Soto Trade

In case you're dead or stranded in an emergency situation, you're probably very aware that Juan Soto has been traded to the Padres in what industry experts refer to as Passan Bomb.

Personally I think Passan-Bomb has a much better phonetic presence than Woj-Bomb but that's not the point. Big news here from the original MASSIVE NEWS is that Hosmer allegedly had the right to turn down the trade: 

And now Bobby Nightengale is coming over the top with more news

Allegedly Hosmer is staying which means the Juan Soto deal is officially done? I can't really follow all the conditions. All I know is that Hosmer is staying in San Diego which means he gets to forego the opportunity to make the biggest mistake of all time. 

People say San Diego is perfect. That it's paradise and all that nice bullshit. Basically impossible to not have a good life while living in San Diego and being a multi-millionaire. Really the only way to ruin that would be to turn the entire city against you so they hate your guts and you live a miserable existence. Imagine being the guy who held up Juan Soto for 12-15 years in a Padres uniform. Hosmer's wife would be buying groceries and the cashier would be weighing the produce down extra hard with her thumb just to add a markup to the Hosmer family. The accountants forget to carry a decimal place. The neighbors play the music a little louder and your kids spend a bulk of their time on the playground defending their Yellow Belly Selfish Father who was too proud to work in the nation's capital. 

The possibilities would be endless but the point remains the same. Why risk being the most hated guy in San Diego? My only logic is Padres fans have been shitting on him for so long, he's probably numb at this point. But even so, being the guy who held up Juan Soto would be how Hosmer would get remembered with a number of fans outside Kansas City. Just a crazy proposition a game that celebrates and values legacy so extensively. 

At this point it sounds like he doesn't have to make the decision. Reports keep going back and forth so hard to say conclusively from the captains chair in the trade deadline war room. But if he does, let the record show that you'd be a categorical certified grade A MORON to get in the way of Juan Soto going anywhere. As a diehard fan of many things, I'd be out for figurative blood. 

Lucky for me my team sucks. That's a different story. For now just be thankful your team didn't trade Juan Soto.

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