Willson Contreras Just Played His Last Game At Wrigley Field

Pretty Sad headline but it's very true. This will absolutely be the last time Willson Contreras ever plays a game for the Cubs at Wrigley Field and that blows. Tom Ricketts should be ashamed that he let it get this bad and fall this far. And now instead of having any kind of contending team to build around, you are forced to trade Contreras to better lean into the 2025 window. Honestly just a complete fucking joke except nobody is laughing. 

Meanwhile the Cubs are red hot. They've won 6 in a row with another sweep and that's now 13.5 back for those of you keeping score. Makes me sick to think some decent starting pitching would have this team closer to 6-7 games and that would actually have my cherries nice and ripe. 

Whatever. We're back in the garage because I'm not going anywhere. I'm slinging merch. Buy the shirt and you get to come to the end of the year party I'm throwing TBD. 

Sucks about Willson Contreras. Really sucks. I'm going to have some scotch* and write an open letter to Tom Ricketts. 

*Scotch blows. Anyone under the age of 40 who drinks Scotch that hasn't survived a sincere life threatening event can kick rocks. I used to hang out with this guy in college who loved Scotch. I think it was all part of an image thing. You just can't tell me that tastes good without having endured true suffering. 

Tom Ricketts is pushing me there.

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