The Cubs Need To Do The Smart Thing And Sign Ian Happ To A Long-Term Deal

The title says it all and I'd like to keep it simple. But I can't take that risk with how stupid the Cubs have been over the last couple years to get us to the point where they're about a .400 team since losing 11 in a row last year. Sit on that for a second. In the meantime I'll be over here working on a deal for Ian Happ. Here's why: 

- 10th in MLB outfielders in fWAR

- 7th wOBA

- 10th wRC+

- 13th SLG

That's across MLB and like 200 outfielders. He's arrived and the Cubs need to get in front of it. He's got at least 5 awesome years left and they should all be with the Cubs. He plays multiple positions, is an extremely positive influence in nearly any type of facet, has tremendous experience transitioning in and out of good periods for the Cubs. And now that everyone's backed up against the wall, Ian Happ has seamlessly stepped forward as the guy to build around sensibly. So fuckin do it Tom, please.

For a more extensive conversation, please watch this week's BBTV. Shirt will be released when I hit the social media goals. 

Also, voting is live for the ASG. Would be swell if you wanted to throw some love to Ian Happ 

And don't forget to subscribe to Barstool Chicago YouTube

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