Billionaire Tom Ricketts Is Alleged To Be Too Rich To Know The Cubs Are On A 7-Game Losing Streak

Listen I know BBTV is here to drive positivity and keep us out of the proverbial loony bin with the 2022 Cubs but that's honestly becoming impossible with how things are shaping up. Turns out going heavy on injury-prone starting pitchers was a terrible strategy to win more games than you lose. Turns out you can't give up 20 different leads in the first 60 games and still be competitive. Turns out Jason Heyward is just as bad as he's always been since showing up. Don't make me keep going here. 

Fact is there's no amount of rah-rah and good vibes that can offset hitting 1-51 with RISP for an entire week. You read that correctly. One for fifty fucking one. That's a .019 batting average which compares favorably to Jon Lester's 2015 campaign when he started 1-49 in the batter's box. And even so, let me emphasize that Lester stretch is objectively better than the last week of Cubs' hitters with RISP. Absolutely staggering when you think about it like that. 

I can keep going. I don't want to shit on guys that are trying their hardest, which for the most part includes the players and staff. It's not like they're gutless and sloppy and dispassionate. I think it's the complete opposite, which is why it goes back to leadership. 

I've said since Day 1 that they absolutely get a year to level-set and get the org figured out. Especially after spending all of 2021 moving on from the Theo core. Realistically Jed inherited such a preposterous mess that was long masked by the 2015-17 successes. It would have been reckless to commit a butt load of money coming into this offseason for a billion reasons I've already exhausted ad nauseum. In other words I knew what I was signing up for at the start of the year.

Even so I don't want to get outscored at Yankee Stadium 28-5 ever again. Granted, Tom doesn't care and certainly never will. But we need the front office to be competitive and have some goddamn pride. If that's too much to ask then monkeys are flying out of my butt. 

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