The Very True Story Of Brady Anderson Scaring The Shit Out Of Kevin Gausman Into A Healthy Lifestyle Is Nothing Short Of Magnificent

Remember Brady Anderson? Who doesn’t. Nobody was cooler for a brief summer when the Orioles centerfielder absolutely dominated American League pitching en route to 50+ homers. It was an amazing season. One that puts Brady Anderson firmly at the front of many millennial brains when you talk about juiced up sweet baseball players from the 90’s. On a team with Cal Ripken and Raffy and Robby and Eddie Murray, Brady Anderson was the bad boy on the block.

So no surprise that I’m absolutely SHOCKED to hear he’s still going strong in the Orioles organization. You think he faded into oblivion? Oh no my friends. Brady Anderson is still very much alive and well. So much that they have him doing health and wellness coaching/scaring the shit out of the young kids into a better lifestyle. Nobody better for the job in my professional opinion.

For the initiates Kevin used to absolutely murder powdered donuts in between innings. Not starts. I’m talking mid game, snacks. One continuous carbo load for 7+ strong innings at every level of his life. Until Brady Anderson told him to stop and ever since it’s been a great journey. An unbelievable ride. Guy just cashed a massive check this off-season on the back of his hard work and all that bullshit.

But people forget Brady Anderson is the guy behind the guy telling you to put the donut down. 26 something years later and he’s still changing the game. Brady Anderson is a legend.

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