The Perfect Steak Sandwich


-12oz New York Strip Steak

-2 Tbsp whole grain mustard

-1 sweet onion, sliced into rings

-2 Tbsp brown sugar

-Splash of red wine vinegar

-Olive oil

-Watercress greens

-Burrata cheese 

-Salt & pepper


-Rip the fat cap off the steak and place in a pan on med/low hear

-Add sliced onions to pan w/ brown sugar and a pinch of salt

-Add a splash of red wine vinegar to the pan & cover

-Pound steak so it is about 1/2 in thick 

-Smear mustard on steak and season w/ salt & pepper. And rub with olive oil

-Place a pan on high heat 

-Once pan is hot add steak. Cook for about 2 mins a side or until your preferred doneness

-Remove onions from pan and toast bread 

-Rub toasted bread w/ raw garlic 

-Add a splash of vinegar and glug of olive oil to the watercress and toss

-Pile sandwich high with steak, top with watercress & cheese

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