Tom Ricketts Should Sell The Cubs If He Can't Afford To Run The Team

I'm going to make this one quick because I gotta get home for lunch. But biggest takeaway through nearly 30 games is that Tom Ricketts needs to spend more money on better players. I am not in the business of pointing fingers at the likes of Alfonso Rivas and Jason Heyward when it's obvious the Cubs need more. I'm simply just saying that Tom Ricketts should be held responsible for a 10-18 club that goes 4-14 after the first 10 games. 

Ticket prices? Those remain absurdly high alongside the cost of just being at the ballpark. $30 for two beers after a modest tip. A place with absolutely no security unless you're building cup snakes. It's become such a drastic fall from grace that you almost have to step back and admire the way it's spiraled. 

Long season. Starting pitching can get on a nice little run if the boys stay healthy and the schedule lightens up. Certainly the bats can't be this bad for so long. Surely the 21-0 game against the Pirates didn't ruin the season. 

Only time will tell. For now I'm so disgusted with the win loss record that I'm ultimately distracted from the Jake news. That's how mad I am. We're deep into the blog and I haven't even gotten into the fact that me and Snake are off to the races with national baseball coverage. Talk about a 1-2 duo of sweet hot dudes that are bald and jacked and throw gas. All the boxes are checked. Basically like talking into a mirror. 

That said I still need some YouTube subscriptions. By far and away the easiest platform to make a subscription. Just click the fuckin link guys and do me a solid. I'm really trying here. 

Starting 9 YouTube

Barstool Chicago YouTube 

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