Sean Evans Teaches Barstool Chicago How To Eat A Wing | Bleacher Bum TV Episode 4

We're back for another weekly edition of my new favorite project, Bleacher Bum TV... your one stop shop for all things related to the Cubs and Wrigley and trying to make the most out of this fandom. 

This week is special because close friend of the program Sean Evans jumps on in the most impromptu fashion. We were in the bleachers together for the 21-0 game when we decided to dip out and hit Clark St. with the Crystal Lake crew. That's when we realized all the bars were turned inside out in a way that can only be compared to playoff baseball. I have, and I mean this sincerely, NEVER seen the Wrigley bars that crazy for a normal Saturday. Granted it was the first nice day without COVID restrictions in approximately 3 years but point remains. It was shoulder to shoulder everywhere. 

So we dipped out of Sluggers after an hour or so and made our way back to Barstool Chicago for some pizza and a reset. From there we went to Sheffields for an incalculable number of cold ones at a beer garden picnic table. But not before breaking down proper wing etiquette because why not. As they say in Italy, when in Rome. So thank you to Sean for joining us nearly 6 hours into a Wrigley Saturday. It actually cannot be overstated how cool that is to me. Like Sean is legitimately a YouTube sensation in every sense of the word. 

Go binge all his stuff here.

In other news, the Cubs had an awful skid going 2-5 last week to fall to 7-9 on the season. Now we've got 14 games in a row and they're all awful. 3 in Atlanta. 3 in Milwaukee. 2 at home vs. White Sox then 3 vs. Dodgers. Then back on the road for another 3 in San Diego. Pretty awful slate so let's just take it one game at a time and try to stay positive. 

Until then, please subscribe to Barstool Chicago YouTube

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