Previewing The 2022 Chicago Cubs: Bleacher Bum TV Episode 1

Welcome to the first episode of Bleacher Bum TV and just in time for opening day. This is my baby. I love the Cubs and I love our YouTube channel and hanging out in Wrigley Field. All of this is merging perfectly into a weekly studio show recorded in front of a live audience and I'm calling it Bleacher Bum TV. 

Not exactly about the X's and O's of baseball or the depth chart and prospect pipeline. But really more about the experience of being a Cubs fan as we go through the 2022 season. There's new faces, new pressures, different goals but the same beautiful ballpark and neighborhood. Plan is to have some fun along the way as well as a couple beers. In my universe that's called going back to the basics. All these seasons of high expectations and disappointment have been exhausting. It's time to go back to where we started. It's time to just try and enjoy some baseball. 

Thank you for watching and for the billionth time please subscribe to our YouTube channel. I would give my right testicle to hit 100,000 subscribers. I won't. But I would if that makes sense. 

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