WATCH: Joey Camasta Fails Barstool Sports' Sexual Harassment Training

What. A. Show. For those of you who have never watched or listened to Out & About before, welcome. For those of you who have, welcome back. This week was probably our best episode yet both from a content perspective and in terms of pace. I know you guys probably don't care about "pace" but I feel like whenever we record we fly through the episode so it was nice to slow things down. As far as the sexual harassment training goes, Joey 1000% failed. We actually did a mock training during the show help him study for his next test...

The entire episode was a blast. Joey attacked the trolls...

We honored an iconic author…

and finally ranked all-time gay icons…

That and much MUCH more. Oh and we dropped a bunch of merch. New episodes out every Wednesday unless we're hungover then all bets are off. Subscribe




Have a great weekend. 

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