We Have Officially Determined Chief Is 8% Gay And A Hot Dog Is A Fucking Hot Dog - Stool Scenes Chicago Is Live

Let me guess: you drunken degenerates ate like shit, drank too much, gambled all your money away this weekend, and are currently fighting off an insatiable appetite to murder your boss now that you're back in the office? Go fucking figure. I knew it. You clowns make me sick and I'm embarrassed for each and every one of you. 

Thankfully for you, though, is that I used to be a cube rat, so I can empathize with you. Sure, I can literally blog from my bed in my undies like I am right now, but I used to do the whole cube thing too. Mondays after wild card weekend were AWFUL. I needed something to distract me and keep me from killing myself. For me, I'd just let the YouTube algorithm take over and stumble upon sweet nature videos where lions rip apart their prey and Salad Fingers and stuff like that. Standard stuff.

You, however, get access to my brain for 40 mins every two weeks. Lucky you. Here's an encore of the latest episode of Stool Scenes: Chicago. In it we have:

- Dente and Dan in Chicago
- Chief's engagement to Ozzie Guillen and our conclusion that Chief is 8% gay
- A condensed version of our 3 hour hot dog debate that I won convincingly. I'm sorry, but a hot dog is a fucking hot dog. People who say otherwise are victim's of TDS, and yes, the exact TDS you think I'm talking about. Idk what the relation is there but it makes sense in my brain so I'm rolling with it.
- Carl awkwardly trying to contrive some bit for the camera about pretending to care about soccer then realizing he was watching a replay and looking like a fucking weirdo. He also exposed himself as a poor grillsman. 


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