Rediscovering The #1 Christmas Bar In America | Da Bars Ep. 5

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to everyone and welcome back to Da Bars presented by Miller Lite. I'm on a quest across Chicago to find my favorite Miller Lite at some of our most iconic bars & taverns. This month we're on Division street which naturally means Butch McGuire's because it's December. Pound for pound there's no better bar in Chicago than Butch's in December. It's a straight up 100mph 4-seam fastball. Place is awesome and I want to thank Miller Lite for letting me make this video and of course producer Tom for making said video so festive and wonderful. It takes a village and this one is ready for Christmas. 

For those keeping score, this is our 5th episode. Prior episodes are below. Would be great if you subscribed to YouTube so we can keep making more of these. 

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