Green Chile Cheeseburgers Live From Nashville Is About As Good As A Vibe Can Get

Nashville's a great place...a fantastic place people would actually say with an abundance of alcohol and live music. One of my favorite places in the world! But what it also has a great food scene. So when Caleb and I were in Nashville a few weeks ago he kept telling me that this joint Red Headed Stranger had the best tacos he's literally ever had in life which I can confirm we're also AWESOME, but it was an absolute shock when we walked in and I saw they had a green chile cheeseburger on the menu. That's a review must since I have a massive love for green chile cheeseburgers & I was confident in a place as good as Red Headed Stranger that if they had it on the menu it would be good...and it sure was. Also shoutout to my wonderful camera guy Caleb Pressley & hope the audio was remotely ok!

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