Pig Orgasms & Wisdom With 2021 Grand Prix of Indy Champ Rinus VeeKay

Rinus VeeKay is a rising star in IndyCar and the dude is rising fast. He's 20 years old (20!), he brought home the Grand Prix of Indy two weeks ago, and on Sunday he'll start in the front row of the Greatest Spectacle In Racing. 

He very well could sweep the month of May and become the youngest driver to ever win the Indianapolis 500. 

He sat down to have some donuts with me on Wednesday, and what a kid. From the Netherlands. Came to America to live in Indianapolis in 2016. He's never had American donuts before this convo. 

"There's not much love in the donuts (in the Netherlands)" VeeKay said. "We have Stroopwafels"

Wasn't able to track down the Dutch dessert unfortunately, but DAMN they look good

VeeKay then let me in on how him and his team stay relaxed during big races in between going 220+ MPH on the track. With his segment "Wisdom With Rinus". Like for example, did you know that pig orgasms are incredibly long?

"We're always waiting for a little so I'll come up with some weird facts," VeeKay told me. "Like for example pigs orgasms…they last like 30 minutes. Which I'm jealous…For koalas, the males have two penises and the females have two vaginas. This helps the team out a lot, you know?"

Check out the full convo for more Wisdom with Rinus with the possible youngest driver to win the Indianapolis 500. 

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