Here Are Some Tips To Help You Become The Ultimate Grill Master This Summer

Memorial Day Weekend is upon us which means that summer is officially unofficially here. Which also means that grilling season is fully underway. 

Now every year when we get to this part of the calendar, the internet is filled with videos of people who fail miserably at being a grill master. Maybe they set their entire grill aflame. Maybe they just overcook the shit out of some steaks because they got too drunk to remember when they flipped them last. Or maybe they just turn into a total Grill Diva and then everybody hates you for the rest of the summer. 

The moral of the story is that there are plenty of ways that you can screw up your BBQ before you even really get to the actual cook itself. So here are a few helpful pointers to make sure we don't have any Grill Divas on our hands this summer, and also to make sure that I don't have to blog any videos of you guys turning your grill into a flamethrower because you didn't clean out all the grease that built up last summer. 



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