I Bet You Didn't Know That This Was The Plural Of Pikachu

Barstool Plays Pokémon Snap! An old classic just got revitalized on the Nintendo Switch - we took some of your favorite personalities around the office and took them on a Pokémon safari ride.

As we were recording this video, the heavens above spoke to me and put this question into my brain:

From here, the answers began FLOODING in. We got everything under the sun.

After all this debate was going on, CM3TV came through with the correct and definitive answer.

Here is proof that it is in fact Pikachu or a pack of Pikachu

When Ask Ketchum definitively calls out the plural version, you know it's indisputable. Great catch here from CM3TV and Crmbxt.

Originally, I was convinced the plural was Pikachus, but it felt too easy. Low and behold it was even simpler (or more complex depending how you look at it). I am here to confirm the plural of Pikachu is in fact Pikachu. GG.

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