I Got Detention In Third Grade For Telling My Friends To 'SUCK IT' In The Lunch Line

Yesterday I had the opportunity to interview The Heartbreak Kid, Shawn Michaels - arguably the greatest wrestler of all time - and I showed him my Halloween costume from when I was eight years old....

....which is coincidentally the same year I received a detention for giving my friends the patented DX "SUCK IT" on line for lunch.

Worst of all, the lunch supervisor at the time was the fourth grade teacher I'd go on to get the next year, so that was my first impression. Oh well - I feel like every wrestling fan has one of those stories, right?! Either that or a double bird thanks to Stone Cold!

There was legend of a kid my siblings went to school with who actually hit their (female) principal with a Stunner and got expelled….at least I didn't take it that far. 

I do sell the fuck out of a Sweet Chin Music, though….

Check out my chat with Mr WrestleMania now, and if you've never seen it, give this match that we discussed towards the end a watch….

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