Have You Guys Heard About Samson? The Man Who Killed 1,000 Men With A Donkey Jaw?

(Subscribe to the Barstool Confessions YouTube here for new episodes every week)

Cool Pastor Chaps and a wayward soul are back for another episode and today we're talkin' Samson. He's a guy who killed 1,000 men with the jawbone of a donkey and then immediately yelled to god "I'M THIRSTY." So he's kinda two Dave Chappelle bits in one person.

We also learned that homosexuality didn't appear in the bible until 1947, doing too much coke in Ibiza then confessing to a pastor on a flight isn't a great idea, one piss per mass is necessary, and nuns are still all the rage in Latin America.

(Subscribe to the Barstool Confessions YouTube here for new episodes every week)

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