Goodbye To The Worst Year In CFB History From The Best Show In CFB History
Welp, thats a wrap folks.
Year three of the Barstool College Football Show looked a *tad* different this year since, you know, since we couldn't travel anywhere and we had to do every show from the business floor hallway (Fuck you, Covid). But thanks to Philips Norelco, High Noon, Penn and (of course) all the best behind the scenes people, we made it work - for better or worse.
(PS - Shout out to our producer David Blattman who had to endure *almost* as much as All Biz Pete did this year from the boys. We love you... or atleast I do).
There was no lack of fights (see: Dave vs the jib camera in the video above), funny moments, bad beats and, of course, fat shaming. The Barstool difference.
Thanks to everybody who rode with us throughout the season and watched the shit show play out every single week. Despite the fact it was a weird one, it was still a season. And for that, we are thankful.
But honestly… thank GOD this season is over and we can look forward to packed stadiums and live shows like this one.

To the moon.