The Dozen: Trivia Competition - Best 2020 (Season 1)

I'll keep this short and sweet, but...

MASSIVE THANK YOU to everyone who made The Dozen: Trivia Competition a big success in 2020, especially during the quarantine parts of summer. This was originally just going to be a fun little radio show-replacement for trivia, and it turned into a major part of my job and what I do at Barstool, with some killer sponsors as well now. It's a fucking blast (albeit hectic and stressful as commissioner) and I love seeing how many people enjoy the show.

Without you the fans, this show would have been nothing, and we have nothing but bigger and better things (trust me, the "offseason" this week allowed for some planning and brainstorming) ahead in 2021!

Season 2 kicks off on January 5th!

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