Broncos Emergency QB Kendall Hinton Called In To CCK To Talk About Being A Sacrificial Lamb

In case you missed it, the Denver Broncos had zero (0) quarterbacks available for their game vs the Saints on Sunday due to a Covid outbreak (and no masks which went against the NFL's contact tracing rules) in the QB room. Their solution? Throw Kendall Hinton - an undrafted rookie WR who is currently on the scout team - into the mix and roll the fucking dice. 

From the CLOUDS, Kendall called into CCK while we were talking about him being "a sacrificial lamb." It shocked us (as seen by our faces), but he was awesome. The entire 10 minutes is worth the listen. He was cool as a cucumber. 

Imagine having TWO (2) HOURS to learn the playbook from a completely different position?! He said he didn't even THINK about saying no. That's insane. There had to have been a .0001 part of his brain that thought... mehhhhhhhhh idk man.

But nope, not Kendall. Truly impossible not to like this guy. He better be getting a fat Christmas bonus.

Who gives a shit that it was a bad performance? Dude is a LEGEND. 

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