Hard Factor 6/4: Conversation With Trinidad James and a Coronavirus Vaccine is Coming Soon

On today's episode...

The Hard Factor boys have a conversation with Trinidad James about the current social climate in the aftermath of the George Floyd murder.

- Finally some good fucking news everyone, Dr. Fauci saying we should have hundreds of millions of doses of a coronavirus vaccine by the end of the year and early 2021.

- Bill De Blasio and his 'Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Year'

- The Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and the Pentagon do not think invoking the 'Insurrection Act' and the military to quell protests/riots is a good idea or warranted 

- Tou Thao, J. Alexander Kueng and Thomas Lane the other three Minneapolis police officers who stood by as Derick Chauvin killed George Floyd have now also been charged with varying degrees of murder

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