It's The 2 Year Anniversary Of When A Navy Diver Asked Me Out From A Water Tank In Times Square And I Peaked

Ah, memories. 

This was another one of my first ever videos for Barstool, which you can probably tell from how incredibly awkward & painful to watch it is. That being said, I've lived on & off in NYC for a minute now and Fleet Week is one of my favorite traditions. Watching all the Navy ships enter NY Harbor gives me the chills every time & assisting drunken sailors & Marines lost in the subway system trying to get to Larry Flint's Hustler Club has always given me an important sense of purpose. You'll all be back next year & I look forward to helping you out. 

On a totally unrelated note, I think in a job like this you end up looking at yourself way more than most people because of the videos for #content or social media stuff.... and sometimes it's ah-ROUGH. There's this episode of Seinfeld I think about a lot where a woman Jerry's dating looks cute one minute & scary the next (a "two-face"), and I feel like that's 100% me. I'm not fishing for compliments to gas me up or shitting on myself (I love myself & am pretty comfortable with the cards I've been dealt at this point) because I'm not flexible enough to do that.. I'm just noting that watching this video again was a bit... startling at moments?? Case in point - this snippet is forever burned into my mind now so I hope it haunts you, too. 

As a palate cleanser here's a picture of me on the hot end lookin' like a muthafuckin' SNACK. The duality of Kate. Gentlemen, start your boners:

Oh Goddamnit. Whatever, forget it. 

Happy Saturday!!

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