Deleted Scenes: Dominatrix Accusations and Other Awkward KB and Nick Takes From Episode 2 Of BFF

When I asked KB and Nick to be my guests on Episode 2 of Barstool's Friends Forever, I was pretty nervous. I got even more nervous when they Facetimed me from "India" to let me know their internet might be "spotty" when we were slated to film. 

I asked them to take it seriously. No schtick. They promised they would. I can't tell if what happened during the episode was ACTUALLY them or whether they were still on that bullshit. At one point, they accused me of "trying to make them my two little bitch boy subs"... 

Um. Ok. 

Needless to say, there was a lot left on the cutting room floor. Give it a watch if you're so inclined. 

For the full episode with Nick and KB, link is below: 

Episode 1: Kayce and Feits

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