Episode 1 of Social Distancing: The Game Show

Episode 1 of Social Distancing: The Game Show was a rousing success. For many reasons:

A) We raised our $1,000 nightly goal in a matter of a couple hours

2) We executed Shelter In Place, which is a Super Market Sweep type challenge

d) Nobody said the N word live

Tomorrow, same time same place. Every day we will reopen the donation page, and you donate a buck every time you'd like a chance to enter. You can win a hoodie, a gift card, and 15 Seconds of Fame where you get to plug whatever you want. Tonight's winner, Hunter Vanderpool, got a chance to plug his sports blog, HotGarbageSports. So, its a fun time, it raises money, and if you make any sort of internet content or have any sort of business to advertise, heres your chance. 

Donate here

Follow along with KFC Radio on Twitter for the live stream link. 730pm EST

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