(WARNING) After Watching This Video, You May Never Want To Step Outside Again

It's day 6 of Quarantine and things have been going average. My days mostly consist of surfing the web, eating every snack in the cabinet, and playing COD until I pass out. Pretty much reliving the college life at Indiana University Purdue University of Indianapolis. But ever since Thursday night, Things have been going downhill.

After countless hours of raging and losing in Warzone (new COD gamemode) I had to go for a walk and get some fresh air. I felt relaxed and got back into the battlefield to lose more games. On Friday morning, I woke up to some irritation on my face. I looked in the mirror and discovered this baby titty on the side of my unshaven face. 

As you know, I've battled many zits in my life and I knew I'd be fighting them my whole life around the age of birth. But this sucker came out of nowhere! Believe it or not, I shower and wash my face every night and morning! Did it come from the virus floating in the air? Did it come from me getting back on my Oreo Pop Tart and Milk for breakfast diet? It could be both, but I think it leans more of what's in the air.

The bad news is I'm almost out of milk. The great news is I popped that sucker this morning! And no, I'm not posting the aftermath of that moment. That's disgusting. Unless you bump into me in a few months or have me on Snapchat, then yeah you can check it out. Seriously though, stay inside your office home as long as you can. I don't hate many things in this world, but the two things I hate right now are campers and spring breakers in Florida. Don't be either of them. Stay safe, wash your hands, AND wash your face. 

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