"Barstool Abroad: Zimbabwe" Begins Tomorrow

This has been a long time coming, some would say too long. In retrospect dropping it over the holiday break wouldn't have been a horrible move as people are laying around the house not doing much. Will consider that in the future but the fact of the matter is that I had to edit this series myself and figured there was no need to rush out a series that isn't related to anything time sensitive. Especially since February is a pretty quiet month around here content wise.

Here is what to expect for the series though:

Episode 1: A bit of a longer episode (19 minutes) giving some background on the trip, documenting our journey to Zim, and then getting acquainted with Zah's family and home city of Harare.

Episode 2-5: Action packed. Think safaris, camping, jumping off bridges, helicopters, a zillion beers, etc.

Episode 6: weird foods, road trips, cultural sites, Zah gets absolutely bombed, (I do too but luckily/unluckily cameras weren't rolling for most of it)

Episode 7: Returning to Harare, visiting Zah's ancestral village, saying our good byes. 

Episode 8: Bonus footage/whatever didn't fit in the previous episodes.

Gonna drop a One Bite Bite Pizza review from Zah's favorite pizza place in Zimbabwe this week as well. 

New episodes every Tuesday and Thursday at noon. Strap in. 

P.S. African golden hours just slap different. 

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