20 Dollar Chef - New Year New Everyone

On this episode of 20 Dollar Chef, we go with the classic "New Year, New Me" theme. When wanting to get healthy I always hit the veggies area at the grocery store and go wild. I buy enough veggies to last me more than one meal. Today's episode was more than $20 dollars. As I bought enough for way more than one meal. I stocked up for salads all week. Not enough for 3 meals a day, but easily 3/4 lunches. The amount of protein you buy, and what you buy, Fish, chicken, steak, etc. will also matter for the budget. I only bought enough protein for 2 salads. With enough veggies for more than 2 salads. 

I enjoy making salads. I guess when you enjoy cutting veggies, you enjoy making salads. I also love making this particular salad dressing. My buddy Zack showed me this quick dressing recipe and I've used it 50 times since. (OVOO, soy sauce, mustard, lemon, and S&P.) Wisk the shit out of this dressing and experiment with your own spices to add more flavors. 

I used a smaller bowl cause it looked better, normally I'd use a huge ass bowl when I'm home alone eating by myself. 

I'm sure I'll be back to my old self next week, carbn' it up and not giving a shit. Until then, SALAD! 

Thanks for watching! 

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