Don't, DO NOT, Spill Mustard On A Boston Girl's Coat And Expect To Live

Love that we have multiple angles of this confrontation. Because that means this had been bubbling for quite some time. Nobody in this section watched hockey for an entire period because the theater they could not take their eyes off of was happening right in front of their very eyes. If I had to guess, this feels very Braintree vs. Quincy. That Polo hat is a requirement on the South Shore and that attitude screams “I live closer to the city than you do!” But I’m not mad at it. Listen when you’re walking to your seat and you’re holding food you have to be an athlete. You can’t just go spilling your nachos all over the joint and think people are going to be ok with it. Nobody wants cheese in the squirrel fur of their hood like that.

All this dude wanted was for it to be over. A lifeline. An escape. Someone to help. Well tough shit pal because that security guard was just as terrified as the dude lightly napkinning the mustard out of her coat. When a Boston chick starts wailing at the top of her lungs absolutely no one is safe. Tell her children are around she’ll kill them too. All she wanted was a sincere apology from a MAN and wasn’t going to leave until she got her satisfaction.

PS – Lotta dudes on Wall Street would pay top dollar for this level of degradation. This might be like how Pamela Anderson was caught on camera at a football game and became an overnight success. Might not be but you never know.

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