Snackin' Off - We Created A Halloween Sandwich With Candy In The Middle

Finalllllly Snackin’ Off HAS COME BACK TO BARSTOOL SPORTS!!! Well kinda, sorta, not really. It turns out occasionally trashing products of big brands isn’t the best idea for a small video series if you work for a company that wants to actually make money through advertising (even though there seem to be blogs out there that want to operate without making money).

All that doesn’t matter because Snackin’ Off is #back in zombie form, on Halloween no less!, because I fired off this tweet the other day while bored at home and dreaming of ways to bulk up for the upcoming cold winter.

That led to a Stoolie named Nick, who just so happens to be buddies with Captain Cons of ZBT fame, reaching out to me and saying he’d love to create some sort of food Frankenstein using my tweet as inspiration. I knew Nick was the man for the job since he had already made my number one fat kid dream come true by naming a sandwich after me.

Did I just spend more than half this blog about a candy sandwich talking about a different sandwich that was named after me? Yes, but that’s because it’s probably my favorite thing of the world. But the dessert sandwich was straight fire and will likely be put on the brunch or dessert menu depending on what people say. We are still trying to figure out a name for it, with the current leaders in the clubhouse being The Trick Or Treat, The Trick And Treat, The Halloween Sandwich, and Are You Really Fucking Eating A Candy Sandwich You Fucking Savage? I’m sure the Stoolies will submit some gems as well and should definitely go to The Wooden Spoon in New Rochelle to check it out along with all the other awesome food, namely The Clem.

Shout out to Nick and all the good people at The Wooden Spoon for not only creating this sandwich, serving us great food, and delivering incredible hospitality but for also making a fat guy’s dream come true by not only naming a sandwich after me but creating a sandwich based on my fat guy brain.

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