Stool Scenes 231.5 - The Rocket Launches Off Vs Frankie Borelli + An Announcement About Stool Scenes Going Forward

A note regarding Stool Scenes going forward -

This will be the last Stool Scenes that I will be fully producing/editing behind the scenes. 8 months ago, when Dave asked if I could take over the Scenes from YP, I said yes in the hopes that with some hard work, creativity & collaboration I could significantly increase views & make Stool Scenes the #1 weekly video series at Barstool, which would in turn warrant a raise for me when the discussion happens in the fall when my contract is up (now). 30+ episodes and 6,043,785+  views later I can proudly say that the goal was accomplished and thanks to our team of shooters and editors (Tom, Rudy, Laser Jake, Arya) Stool Scenes is a self sufficient machine that puts out multiple strong episodes week in and week out.  Moving forward the team of shooters and editors is going to stay the same the only difference will be that Dana B will be overseeing the outline and final edits instead of me. At the request/orders of our fearless leader Dave Portnoy I will be taking a new role within Barstool Bets, working with all the people on the bets team to make our existing content better and developing new gambling content moving forward. The first long term project I will be taking on is a big one and won’t be ready to announce until January 1st 2020 but I can honestly say I haven’t been this excited to work on something here in a long time & that once its built and set up, it will result in countless hours of enjoyable, watchable content every single week that doesn’t exist anywhere else on the internet. I truly can’t wait to share it with everyone once it’s ready.  I have greatly enjoyed helping make Stool Scenes what it is today and to be honest, it wasn’t really my choice to step down off of it. Dave has a big picture brain and knows what he is doing here better than anyone (obviously). This wasn’t something I even thought about until I talked to him but once I realized the opportunity within Barstool Bets & understood that Stool Scenes was in great hands with Dana B I saw the vision that Dave wanted and realized that this is the best situation for the company going forward. Thank you to everyone who was watched, liked, commented or tweeted nice things about the Scenes over the past 8 months I will love you all forever. If you think Dave is an idiot and that this is a dumb idea, do yourself a favor and read the comments on the first stool scenes I put out when I started. People hated it, didn’t understand why it was happening and thought the world was ending. Just like it wasn’t then, it isn’t now and I promise that once a few months pass and people are able to see the bigger picture more clearly it will all make sense. Viva.

– Hank

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