Bills Mafia Found Out About Explosives, Nobody Will Ever Be Safe Again

I told you. I told you the Bills being 3-0 was a matter of public safety. Now look. We got Wile E. Coyote out here trying to do God knows what. Fireworks? Pipebomb? Flash fry a turkey? Who knows what the end goal was here, all I know is it very much did not work. Or maybe it did, who knows based on where the video cut off. All I know is the follow up DM we got after receiving this video was laugh out loud funny.

“Hey, before we post this HOMEMADE EXPLOSION VIDEO WHICH CLEARLY WENT AWRY is your pal alright?”
“Alright? Buddy, we’re 3-0. This is the best day of his life.”
“Yeah but what about the explos-”
“He’s in the casket right now with a smile on his face. We can’t even close the sucker due to the massive erection he has. CIRCLE THOSE WAGONS BABY 3-0!!!”

Remember, it’s not a tragedy if you die doing what you love.

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