Barstool Chicago Goes Golfing For The Classic

We had a great time celebrating the Barstool Classic in Chicago yesterday. To get there, we hosted the 1st annual Barstool Chicago putting contest for the last two spots. This is the video for that event. My buddy Mahoney basically stole the show for shitting his pants but other than that it was a blast. And as a spoiler, team Mountain Drews finished in 2nd place yesterday meaning they will be playing in the Liberty National final round.

Thanks to Harborside International for being great hosts and accommodating my bullshit. It’s the best public golf course in Chicago for a reason #heyhowyadoin

Tomorrow’s video should be out v. soon:

White Sox Dave ate a Cicada for $70

Then immediately gave me $50 of it

But he was the real winner anyways

Thanks to everyone for coming out and making the event awesome I’m still hammered.

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