Barstool Rundown - July 25, 2019


Support for RUNDOWN comes from Manscaped, who is #1 in men’s below the belt grooming. Manscaped offers precision engineered tools for your family jewels.

Shaving down there can be pretty dicey and you don’t want any cuts on your nuts, so Manscaped has redesigned the electric trimmer. Their Lawn Mower 2.0 has proprietary Skin-Safe Technology so this trimmer won’t nick or snag your nuts!

Manscaping accidents are finally a thing of the past

And don’t use the same trimmer on your face as you’re using on your balls. That’s just nasty.

Manscaped also has the Crop Preserver – an anti-chafing ball deodorant and moisturizer. You already put deodorant on your armpits. Why are you not putting deodorant on the smelliest part of your body?

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