Being Sofia Vergara's Personal Instagram Photographer Is A Pretty Good Gig

Watch Gold to see more of our interview with Joe, who’s just about the coolest dude in the history of the world

Here’s all the proof you need that it doesn’t matter who you are, it doesn’t matter what you accomplish in life, and it doesn’t matter how much money you make: at best you’re always going to be your girl’s instagram photographer. That’s it. You’re a glorified tripod without the third leg. You can be Joe Mangianello, one of the hottest dudes in the world, and you’re still going to get yelled at for using the wrong filter or taking it from the wrong angle. It’s a sobering realization, the best you’ll ever be is your lady’s personal photographer.

But, if you gotta pick one to be in your scope, Sofia ain’t a bad choice.

Watch Gold to see more of our interview with Joe, who’s just about the coolest dude in the history of the world

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