Barstool Chicago Does Red Bull BP In The Streets With Kris Bryant and Thomas Ian Nicholas

MASSIVE MASSIVE MASSIVE week for Barstool Chicago and this is just about the culmination.

A quick little backstory here: a friend of mine at Red Bull reached out to me about 2 weeks ago asking if myself and Barstool Chicago would be interested in interviewing Kris Bryant in his Red Bull party bus for Red Bull’s BP in the streets Kris Bryant Can Launch:

Obviously I said “hell fucking yes, we’re in.”  And that’s where it gets funny.

Couple that with the Cubs PR Director losing his shit on us and basically saying, “You can no longer have any of the access you already don’t have because you’re encouraging people to stack cups on top of each other” immediately after interviewing their most marketable superstar, it hilariously turned into a home run for us.

So on Behalf of Red Bull, the best Taurine based, lightly carbonated energy drink – THANK YOU from all of us at Barstool Chicago.

But the funny thing is, I didn’t even *really* care about interviewing Kris Bryant.  I was ALL IN on getting an interview with Thomas Ian Nicholas, who we all better know as Henry Rowengartner from Rookie of the Year and Kevin Myers from American Pie.  I shot the shit with him a good amount throughout the 3ish hour event and he couldn’t have been any more of an awesome dude.

Oh, and he’s still involved in the film industry.  He’s got a movie coming out Mickey Rourke and Sean Astin coming out soon:

ever heard of them?  Only two of the most recognizable actors on the planet.

That, and he’s got his own band that will be in Chicago in about a month and they’re headlining a show at the House of Blues:

Barstool Chicago will be there, and if you’d like to join, come on out.


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