I Will Not Stand For The Disgusting Lack Of Respect From This Guy Playing 8 Ball Pool In The Front Row Of A Lil Wayne Concert

I feel physically ill right now. This isn’t the vibes I needed when I walked in the office today after waking up to getting fucked over by another Marty Mush mush job.

Vibes are low. Morale is low. Now I’m dealing with this bullshit? The lack of disrespect being displayed towards the GOAT Lil Wayne is astonishing. I’m at a loss for words. But in a LeBron lost for words kind of way because I actually do have some things to say on the matter. My blood is BOILING. I’m shaking in anger. If I saw this kid right now I wouldn’t even give him the respect of punching him in the face. I’d bitch slap him. I’d approach him face to face, cock back my open palm and slap the living shit out of him.

This kid should be thrown in prison. I don’t care if he’s 15 or 25, I don’t care if he’s never committed a crime. I want him thrown in the jungle with the fucking wolves. I want him in a maximum security prison yard in upstate New York with the hardest criminals this world has to offer  and I want him nearly beaten to death and ripped apart limb from limb. He needs to pay the absolute maximum penalties for this offense. They say some crimes are victimless but this certainly is not one of them, pal.

You’re in basically the front row of a Lil Wayne concert and you’re playing pool on your phone? Not only are you a complete and utter loser but you’re a disgrace to yourself and your entirely family as well. As the King of the Hawaiian I am personally offended that someone in a Hawaiian shirt would last out in such an offensive manner. I’m completely beside myself. I feel like I’m having an out of body experience. I’m so upset I’m getting a high off of it. Like a rush of angry energy circulating through my balls. I want this man’s head. I want to fight him in Rough N Rowdy. I want to fist fight him on the streets. All of the above. I’m with all the smoke, bitch. Come get some if you want to disrespect MY KING like this.

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