Highlights From The Hard Factor 4/20 Power Hour: PFT Married A Couple, & the Chillest Bro Pageant

Here are some of the highlights from yetserdays Hard Factor 4/20 powerhour from the Cannabis Cup including the chillest bro pageant and the impromtu wedding. Pat told us at the start of the show some sabermetrics that a couple wedded yesterday would celbrate their 50th wedding anniversary on 4/20/69, so I decided I would get ordained if anyone in the audience wanted to get married. Turns out someone took us up on it- so congrats to Forrest and Autumn the newlyweds who managed to get married for zero dollars on a barstool livestream.

I gotta be honest with you Donnie, I didn’t wake up yesterday expecting to officate a wedding but you gotta roll with the punches. Want to give a big hello to the Universal Church of The Life for ordaning me as as minister in like 7 minutes as well as XL Inferno & Bong-o for contributing there product for the event.

You can watch the entire 60 minute’s here including Wes’ baseline concusson test and followup, Our Mt Rushmore of things to do while stoned, and many other things that I do not necesarily remember.

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